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“Eddie” Edwin Von Spaghettwin

Green Cheek Conure

Wait List


“Eddie” Edwin Von Spaghettwin

*** This bird is currently on our Waitlist and is with their current owner. It may be possible to visit and adopt this bird prior to it being moved to a foster home. Please keep in mind that birds on the Waitlist may not have had a veterinary visit. Their owners may or may not be caring for the bird at EBR minimum standards of care.***

Eddie is an adorable green cheek conure who loves to dance and listen to music. Even though he’s a bit scared of bright colors, he is quite curious and loves to explore new places to perch.


“Eddie” Edwin Von Spaghettwin

None Known

Age or hatch date:

6 Yr



Best qualities:

He enjoys music, he’s adorable, and he can be fairly laid back.

Favorite food:

He loves millet, blackberries, and apples the most

Favorite toys:

Big fan of these three bells that I keep above his food and water, wood, and plastic chain links

Dowel or step-up trained:

Yes, to hand or arm


He doesn’t like when things are moved around him like furniture or anything too colorful. It makes him scream and seems to make him anxious



Health issues:

None Known

Gets along with birds:


Gets along with dogs:


Gets along with cats:


Gets along with kids:

Unknown, or has not been around

Foster home has expressed interest in adopting this bird:

2/12/25, 3:07 AM

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